Next Breakfast:
LA GALETTE DES ROIS Sunday 5th January 2025 There are no Petit dejeuner on this Sunday 5th of January , but a reminder that you can celebrate "La Galette de Rois!" from 3.30pm with us In brief, a king cake, also known as a three kings cake, is a cake associated in many countries with Epiphany. Its form and ingredients are variable, but in most cases, a fève such as a figurine is hidden inside. After the cake is cut, whoever gets the fève wins the crown!" As per last year, RSVP if you are willing to meet in Stoke Isel Park, by the long table (weather dependent) to share a piece of your homemade "Galette des Rois". It is an easy cake to make, and won't take more than half an hour . It is very tasty and inexpensive. In case of bad weather, the "Galettes" event will be moved to our new premises ( first floor of the Nayland Pool/ 192 Nayland road). Here is the recipe, and how to go about it: En Français: In English: Our petit Dejeuner will resume in February 2025. Next petit Dejeuner : Sunday 2 February 2025 La Chandeleur! TIME: 9 am till 11am PLACE: Alliance Française Nelson Tasman Home Address: 192 Nayland Road, Stoke, Nelson 7011 Menu $12: Crepes, Tartines and , jam, etc... Direction: Map Members activity RSVP: MANDATORY to make sure there's enough for everyone. Booking/ RSVP HERE RSVP no later than the Thursday before the event. (breakfasts and drinks are at your expense) (Please note you are paying for your own breakfast and drinks). Please note this is a member event only" |
Pour rappel, notre Petit déjeuner a lieu le premier dimanche de chaque mois normallement. Vous pourrez pratiquer votre français, et créér de nouveaux contacts Comme d'habitude, rendez-vous là-bas à 9 ou 10 heures selon le lieu choisiet nous changeons de lieu tous les mois. Profitons du soleil et de la plage. Prenez votre calendrier, et réservez la date. Le premier dimanche du mois prochain coïncide avec notre événement Marchons ! Marchons ! et nous avons décidé de commencer le Petit déjeuner à la fin du mois de février exceptionnellement. DETAILS:
If you are a member you will receive an email with details of our monthly get togethers. This is a member benefit - for membership info click here.
Si vous êtes adhérent(e)s de notre Alliance vous recevrez un message electronique avec le lieu chaque mois. Pour devenir adhérent(e) ou pour vous renseigner cliquez sur ici. C'est le premier dimanche du mois . Send a query for more information.
Postal Address: PO Box 690 | Nelson
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